Happy Easter

It’s Good Friday today – the sun is shining, it’s even quite warm, so I’m making the most of it as the forecast is downhill from this evening. I love to work when the skies are blue as the light makes the page luminescent. Also, it puts me in a great mood, so my drawings are light and fluffy and full of delight.

My problems is when I am researching, I get distracted by baby badgers and hedgehogs et al. I can think of worse predicaments.

Here’s what I’ve been working on for a few days…


Mermaids and the Anti-podes

I’ve suddenly had the desire to paint Mermaids, Knights and Princesses. I blame it on watching the entire series of Merlin since Christmas! Not that there were any mermaids in it, but plenty of Knights, Dragons and flouncy Princesses. Anyway, my youngest son was doing some arty swooshes with watercolour and chalk pastels and he did something that really looked like fronds of seaweed wafting in the sea. I got all inspired and did my own version.


And then it occurred to me that people often like having gifts personalised – I do a lot of book signing for a grandchild or son or daughter – so I decided to make prints that can be personalised for a child. Here is the link to my Etsy shop if you want to have a look.

Click for Mermaid in my Etsy shop

Click for Knight in my Etsy shop

Click for Princess in my Etsy shop

Knight_Jake Princess Jess

Aside from that, I have been enjoying the delicious spring weather this week. I’ve stopped putting whinging posts on Facebook (HERE) about the UK still being freezing and pulled all my summer clothes out of the cupboard AND turned off the heating! My thermometer currently says 23 degrees. I love it.

Sometimes I seriously think I was born in the wrong hemisphere – Australia or New Zealand would suit me much better, then I remember the spiders. I lived in Oz for a while and met my fair share of Huntsman spiders and worked in a Lebanese Fruit and Veg shop with an outside loo. I was convinced I was going to be bitten on the bum by a Black Widow and be found upright and dead, propped against the toilet roll holder.

Does New Zealand have as many spiders? Anyone know?